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Looking for Help To STOP Foreclosure On Your Home

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About Us

We are a Faith-Based Direct Lending, Real Estate, and Loss Mitigation Legal Clinic. We are focused on financial literacy to minimize homelessness in the communities. We are comprised of Mortgage Bankers, Real Estate Brokers, Consumer Defense Attorneys, Loss Mitigation Experts, Retired CPA’s and Consumer Advocates. We use a state of the art proprietary loss mitigation software. We offer various comprehensive services and products at ZERO cost to the consumer (FREE) that is typically being sold for thousands of dollars by ‘for profit’ companies. Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates asks clients to pledge a generous tax-deductible donation to a separate reputable & vetted Nonprofit that helps feed and house homeless Veterans, Children, and/or the Elderly, only upon us being successful in achieving our clients desired goals. We offer ALL our services at ZERO cost.

Sobre nosotros

Somos una Clínica Legal de Mitigación de Pérdidas, Bienes Raíces y Préstamos Directos Basada en la Fe. Estamos enfocados en la educación financiera para minimizar la falta de vivienda en las comunidades. Estamos compuestos por banqueros hipotecarios, corredores de bienes raíces, abogados defensores del consumidor, expertos en mitigación de pérdidas, contadores públicos jubilados y defensores del consumidor. Utilizamos un software patentado de mitigación de pérdidas de última generación. Ofrecemos varios servicios y productos integrales a CERO costo para el consumidor (GRATIS) que normalmente se venden por miles de dólares por parte de empresas “con fines de lucro”. La Alianza sin fines de lucro de defensores del consumidor solicita a los clientes que se comprometan con una generosa donación deducible de impuestos a una organización sin fines de lucro acreditada y examinada que ayude a alimentar y albergar a veteranos, niños y/o ancianos sin hogar, solo si logramos los objetivos deseados de nuestros clientes. Ofrecemos TODOS nuestros servicios a coste CERO.

We are an Accredited 501C3 Not for Profit Company

Check Out our Federally Approved Credentials

Our Federally Approved 501c3 Certificate

Our D.B.A below showing our 501c3 status



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Disclaimer: The owner of this website makes no representation as to the results to be achieved in your particular situation, since the results to be achieved will depend on the advisability of filing Claim or Lawsuit and will vary depending upon the State where you live, and your particular goals, assets, debts, income and expenses. Everything on this website is intended to be truthful and accurate, in every regard. Nothing is intended to mislead you or anyone else. However, with so much material written and presented, even the best of intentions, we will not have caught all errors in grammar, context, spelling, etc., nor will we have envisioned all possible interpretations of the material presented, some of which might well give rise to ethical or legal concerns. You should not make any decisions or draw any hard and fast conclusions about the effect of filings based solely upon information presented. Metaphors, analogies, slang, turns of phrase, idioms, actor or actresses, stock pictures and other literary devices utilized on this website are NOT meant to be read literally. The use of these literary devices is merely our attempt to relate to you...however imperfectly...a complicated and complex set of laws in a simple and more easily understood fashion. We invite and welcome your feedback. Having taken into full account this and other disclaimers included on this website, you still feel that something on this website: (1) Constitutes a material misrepresentation of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make any statement, considered as a whole, not materially misleading, or (2) Is likely to create an unjustified expectation about results we, as California and other State lawyers, can achieve, or states or implies results that we, as lawyers, can only achieve by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law, or (3) Compares our services with the services of other lawyers in a way that cannot be factually substantiated, please let us know. Please address your feedback, complaints and concerns to us by email addressed to You can call (855) 622-2435. (We do not list an email here solely for the purpose of avoiding the generation of unwanted internet spam.) We will promptly, if not immediately, address all issues that you raise and will immediately take any and all steps necessary and appropriate to correct any errors as may exist. Videos Presented On This Website: This website contains copies of various ads, press releases were created for purposes of advertising on TV. Many of these ads contain people, other than attorney Peter L. Nisson himself. With one exception, all of these particular ads contain dramatizations and do not depict actual events or real persons. That is, these people are actors, not clients, hired to help produce the ads.

We are a Not for Profit Homeownership Preservation and Affordable Housing Help Center that can provide free information, assistance and an introduction to a State Bar Licensed Law firm upon your approval.